Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Return of the Poop Lip...

Many of you who know Jakson or that have seen pictures on facebook know that when he was littler, before he would cry, he would put out his bottom lip and pout for about five seconds and THEN cry. Hence the nickname of poop lip. He also would do the poop lip if Brett would say "Ahhh....Tokyo" to him in a funny low voice (don't ask, inside joke). Tonight when I was tutoring Brett and Jakson were having some male bonding time and this is what happened. I guess he knows the word "no" now. I am sure he knows a lot more than we think. Little turd. Those dog dishes are sooo tempting and obviously taste delicious. Good job Daddy, for getting such a candid moment on video! I think I'm rubbing off on him!

1 comment:

  1. Awww! Poor, sweet, mistreated Jakson. LOL He is a master at the poop lip!! But you gotta love his persistance!
