Friday, June 19, 2009

Life Before a Child

My mom brought Jakson home with her last night because Brett had golf league and I am helping with Bible School this week. May I just say how DIFFERENT it is without a baby in the house? What did I do with all my time before him? I always considered myself a busy person, but seriously, I wasn't that busy before Jakson. I thought I might have a chance to sleep in today...for the first time in many moons. Instead, my husband brought me breakfast in bed. Isn't it his weekend to be pampered???? I love my husband! I miss my baby. What am I going to do all day?


  1. It's a strange feeling when the kiddies are away! Did you enjoy your free time?

  2. YES!!! I did Brandy! I ran errands and got a lot done, including finishing packing my classroom so they can clean and move my stuff two doors down the end of this week!
